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HYS ByLaws

Highland Youth Soccer Bylaws



  1. HYS is a non-profit organization.  The organization is organized exclusively for charitable and education purposes under section 501-(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.  No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.  Not withstanding any other provisions of these articles, the organization shall not carry any other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal revenue code of 1954.



  1. Upon the dissolution of Highland Youth Soccer, the board of directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the organization, dispose of all assets of the organization in such a manner, or to such organization or education purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organization s under section 50-1 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Code), as the executive board shall determine.  Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principle office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purpose or to such organization as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated for such purposes.
  2. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members of HYS is required to dissolve and end HYS.


Article 1 – NAME

  1. The name of this organization is Highland Youth Soccer (HYS).


Article 2 – PURPOSE

  1. To provide and promote the opportunity to play soccer within the Highland community. 
  2. To promote a high level of participation in soccer as a form of recreation, exercise, teamwork, fundamental skills, and good sportsmanship.
  3. To prepare the youth of the Highland community with the skills to successfully play and contribute to the Highland High School soccer teams.
  4. To foster a high level of skills and ideals among officials necessary and incidental to soccer.


Article 3 – MEMBERSHIP

  1. The registered members of HYS shall be all parents/legal guardians and children who shall pay the registration fee for HYS.  The parent/legal guardian of any youth enrolled as a participant in the organization shall automatically become a registered member of the organization upon payment of the registration fee for such participant. 
  2. Any person participating as a player, coach, or other supportive activity shall be considered a member of HYS.


Article 4 – PRECEDENCE

  1. The order of precedence is USSF, OYSAN, US CLUB SOCCER, and HYS.  Members agree to abide by the articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies and requirements of these organizations.
  2. HYS will abide by all requirements of US CLUB SOCCER including, but not limited to: submission of membership information, holding hearing and protecting the rights of members, registration and other matters.



  1. HYS shall be open to all, regardless of community.  All players will abide by the same set of rules regarding registration deadlines, assessment placement, practice attendance, etc. and all players will be treated equally regarding team level placement.


Article 6 – LOCATION

  1. The post office box will be the official, permanent location for mail purposes.  The president and treasurer will hold keys to the post office box.  The past president/treasurer will give the new president/treasurer the key to the post office box on the day the new president/treasurer takes office.  Any permanent office can be established by the membership upon amendment of this article, as long as it is physically within the territory of the organization.  Past minutes, a complete, correct copy of the constitution or bylaws, rules and regulations, and copies of the annual report and audit shall be maintained by each president and passed to the next president on the day the new president takes office.
  2. Address:  PO Box 235 Sharon Center, OH 44274


Article 7 – MEETINGS


  1. An annual meeting of HYS for the purpose of electing the Board shall be held during the month of November at such date, time, and place as established by the Board.  A notification of no less than 30 days must be given to all HYS members prior to the annual meeting.
  2. The annual meeting will serve as the monthly meeting for this month.



  1. Special meetings of HYS may be held at any time upon the call of the President of HYS or by a majority of the Board.  Written certification that notice of a special meeting was given to each Board member of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting shall be filed by President or Board members calling said meeting at or before said meeting.



  1. The Board shall hold a regular meeting at least once each and every month of the year at a date, time and place to be determined by the President. These meetings will be open to the public unless otherwise noted by the board.
  2. A budget planning meeting will serve as the May or June regular meeting at a date, time and place to be mutually agreed upon by the President and Treasurer.
  3. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business at any Board meeting.



  1. Each executive board member has one vote.
  2. A majority vote by Board members present at any meeting shall prevail.
  3. Ties will be decided by president.
  4. Email votes may be conducted for emergencies and will be recorded at the next regular meeting.



  1. A quorum shall consist of a minimum of 4 members of the Board, which will be sufficient to conduct the transaction of any business.




  1. There shall be 6 members on the Executive Board of Directors.  They shall be elected for a term of two years and shall not succeed themselves unless re-elected to the position. 
  2. The Board shall manage the affairs, funds and property of HYS.
  3. The Board will seek nominations beginning in May of each year.  The president will collect these nominations; secure acceptance of each nominee; and report its nominations to the board and HYS community. 
  4. The office of a Board member not in attendance at three consecutive board meetings (without a valid excuse or notification) may be declared vacant and the unexpired term filled by the Board.
  5. Duties of the Board of Directors
  • Conduct the business of HYS.
  • Approve program budgets.
  • Will make the decisions to improve, remove, and/or add to the league programs and procedures.
  • Appoint all coaches, managers, volunteers, and others and insure that all are covered under any and all affiliated governing bodies and/or any other background check required by the state of Ohio.
  • Will coordinate, through designated persons, the various programs offered by HYS.
  • Will appoint committees and chairs as needed with the President presenting the candidate and the Board approved or disapproving of the proposed person(s).
  • Will insure all funds are spent in approved ways and contract for a tax return to be prepared every year by an outside party.
  • Will abide by, and cause all members to abide by the rules of HYS, any affiliated governing bodies, and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).
  • Will ensure that all games and practices are conducted in a positive environment, including proper fields, trained coaches, referees, and good sportsmanship.
  • Will provide proper disciplinary action, as defined by HYS Code of Conduct and affiliated leagues governed by any affiliated governing bodies and USSF.
  • To encourage members to volunteer for open positions and /or Directors of the Board within the organization.
  • Are expected to attend regular meetings.
  • All board members will receive 100% registration fee remission for all children participating in HYS programs.



  Executive Board Members:

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3.  Director of Girls Travel
  4.  Director of Boys Travel
  5.  Director of Youth Development
  6. Treasurer

  Additional Volunteers Roles:

  1. Travel Registrar
  2. Travel Scheduler


  1. The following officers of Executive Board shall be elected on even numbered years, effective 2016:
    • President
    • Director of Boys Travel
    • Treasurer
  2. The following offices of Executive Board shall be elected on odd numbered years, effective 2017:
    • Vice President
    • Director of Girls Travel
    • Director of Youth Development
  3. An election will be held at the November annual meeting.  Each member of HYS will receive one vote per office being elected. 
  4. An anonymous paper ballot will be handed to all members in attendance at this meeting for casting votes
  5. Votes will be counted by the President or Vice President and one other board member at the meeting
  6. New board members will be announced at the end of meeting
  7.  In the case of a tie a re-vote will be scheduled for the next board meeting.  If there is still a tie, a re-vote will be scheduled for the next board meeting.


  1.  Each member of the Board of Directors is generally elected for the term of two years.
  2.  Officers will start their term at the adjournment of election meeting, at which the newly elected officer will assume all of the duties of their office.
  3.  Board members may be subject to dismissal for non-performance of their position.  Dismissal requires a majority vote of the board.
  4.  Board members may only hold one elected position at any given time.
  5. President may appoint an interim Director to fill a position with the approval of the board.  This interim position may be filled by an existing board member.



  1. Board members are restricted to members of HYS.
  2. No prerequisite for any office position, other that president.
  3. To be elected as HYS president you must have held an HYS board position for minimum of 1 year.
  4. Only 1 member of a household is permitted to serve on the board. 



  1. If a vacancy occurs in the Presidency, the Vice-President shall assume the office until the AGM, at which time the office will be filled either to new two-year term or to complete the final year of the term.
  2. If a vacancy occurs in any other position, the President shall appoint a qualified member, with board approval, until the next election at which time the office will be filled either to a new two-year term or to complete the final year of that term. 



    • Attend monthly board meetings
    • Attend OHTSL bi-annual meeting
    • Set annual schedule with board
    • Manage communications with Highland Community/Schools
    • Manage paid trainers (hiring and contracts)
    • Manage field painting crew
    • Communicate with members of HYS all major changes within HYS organization, USSF, OYSAN, or US Club.
    • Ensure all other board member roles are covered and appoint interim member for vacant board positions.
    • Shall give correct admin access to board members or coordinators based on role
    • Knowledge of admin tools within Blue Sombrero website
    • Obtain annual permits from parks


    • Attend monthly board meetings
    • Responsible for maintaining and updating the HYS website (field statuses, calendar updates, information, current pictures, by-laws, etc)
    • Responsible for maintaining google drive for HYS board
    • Responsible to maintain ownership and administration of HYS domain accounts:
    • Ensure season field map has been updated with the travel directors, YDA director, Fields and posted to HYS Website
    • Shall act as an assistant to the President as needed
    • Shall, in the absence of President, preside over meetings of the organization.
    • Provide and maintain charts of final registration volume per season with data being obtained from reports in Blue Sombrero website
    • Contact person for Soccer Post (Uniforms, coach shirts, spirit wear)
    • Transcribe and maintain minutes from the monthly board meetings


    • Attend monthly board meetings
    • Attend meetings: OHTSL bracketing & pre-bracketing meetings
    • Schedule and run meetings: annual parent meeting, coach pre & post season meetings
    • Schedule and manage player assessments
    • Manage season notifications to HYS community via HYS email and Highland e-blast
    • Create and manage teams for fall and spring season (players, coaches & trainers) and post to HYS Website
    • Declare teams with OHTSL
    • Manage game and training schedules
    • Provide timely response to all parent and coach emails
    • Knowledge of admin tools within Blue Sombrero website is needed
    • OHTSL community rep with responsibility for communicating cancelled games and ref availability games
    • Work with director of boys travel
    • Measure and line fields at Sharon and Granger at the beginning of each season
    • Purchase field supplies with board approval
    • Identify field status as opened or closed and update website
    • Set up goal locks prior to each season
    • Remove nets, flags, goal locks for winter/summer

    • Attend monthly board meetings
    • Attend meetings: OHTSL bracketing & pre-bracketing meetings
    • Schedule and run meetings: annual parent meeting, coach pre & post season meetings
    • Schedule and manage player assessments
    • Create and manage teams for fall and spring season (players, coaches & trainers) and post to HYS Website
    • Declare teams with OHTSL
    • Work with Director of Girls Travel to manage game and training schedules
    • Provide timely response to all parent and coach emails
    • Knowledge of admin tools within Blue Sombrero website is needed
    • OHTSL community rep with responsibility for communicating cancelled games and ref availability games
    • Work with director of girls travel
    • Measure and line fields at Sharon and Granger at the beginning of each season
    • Purchase field supplies with board approval
    • Identify field status as opened or closed and update website
    • Set up goal locks prior to each season
    • Remove nets, flags, goal locks for winter/summer

    • Attend monthly board meetings
    • Confirming back ground checks and training for all coaches within this age group
    • Create and manage teams
    • Create and maintain program rules/regulations
    • Train and manage YDA program referees
    • Create and manage game and training schedules within HYS website
    • Schedule and run bi-annual coach meeting to distribute team assignments, update and distribute coach information sheet, review field map and assign field space/day/time for practice
    • Manage end of season ordering of trophies/medals
    • Provide timely response to all parent and coach emails
    • Fall season - manage picture day
    • Appointing U5/U6 & U7/U8 age groups coordinators if needed


    • Manage bank accounts
    • Manage budget
    • Manage payments: OHTSL, insurance, indoor facility, trainers & reimbursement requests
    • Submit financials to outside account firm for tax preparation
    • Ensure all players accounts are paid in full at the close of registration & notify program directors of any open balances


      • Register all players and coaches with US Club Soccer/OHTSL
      • Create and distribute team rosters and pass cards in spring and fall
      • Create tournament rosters when needed


      • Work with travel directors to identify coach/player constraints, prior to OHTSL game pre-scheduling.
      • Manage game pre-scheduling with Ohio Travel (requires max availability March-April & July-August)
      • Setup and managing Sign Up Genius for home field availability
      • Manage game reschedules during fall & spring seasons
      • Manage ball girl & ball boy scheduling in the fall

    The Board of Directors may hire employees or contract with persons to perform certain tasks.  The duties of employees and listing of contracted work to be performed shall be done by the Board.  The board upon recommendation by the president will do the hiring of employees and/or contractors.   The president will supervise all employees and contractors.

    Article 9– Amendments

    1. These by-laws may be amended or revised at any meeting of the Board, regular or special, by a majority vote of the members present, provided that notice of the proposed change was given to HYS members prior to the meeting.
    2. Amendments may be proposed in writing by any member of HYS, 30 days prior to next monthly meeting.
    3. Members can propose amendments to by-laws at the AGM.


    Article 10 – Ratification

    1. The formal ratification of these bylaws shall take place immediately after the meeting at which it was voted upon.   All members of the Board of Directors present must sign the dated ratification page.

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