Website Manager


 Travel League Questions

Q.  How do I access my account using the mobile app?
Go to the app store and search "Game Changer Team Manager". Download the app and then login with your HYS website credentials. Once your coach/manager has imported your team you will receive an email inviting you to join the team. 

Q.  How do I remove the team my player played on last season from the mobile app?
Open the mobile app and determine which team is the old team, click on the team and locate your player. Click on your player and click "edit" in the upper right corner. Click "Remove from Team".

Q.  I am not able to see my game/training schedule in the mobile app calendar?
Contact your manager/coach to let them know you are not able to view events or updated games/training, they may need to refresh the team calendar.

Q.  How do I upload/update my players photo on the HYS website?
Follow the steps below, if you have issues please email the photo to your travel director.
  1. Please be aware the photo MUST have a file size under 2MB.
  2. Log into HYS website with your Username & Password.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to your players name.
  4. Click on the players photo.
  5. Click on the trash can icon to remove old photo.
  6. Drag & drop new photo or click upload & select photo.
    • Picture size 192 x 192 pixels & under 2MB.
    • Picture formate: jpeg, png, jpg, gif only
  7. Adjust & rotate photo to fit into box.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Scroll to bottom of page and click Update.

Q.  How do I upload/update my players Birth Certificate on the HYS website?
Follow the steps below, if you have issues please email the photo to your travel director.
  1. Please be aware the birth certificate MUST be the official certificate from the county (not the hospital created version) and the file size must be under 2MB.
  2. Log into HYS website with your Username & Password.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to your players name.
  4. Click on the Trash Can icon next to the Birth Certificate
  5. Click on the Camera icon next to your players name
  6. Click Upload Birth Certificate
  7. Click Choose File
  8. Select your players Birth Certificate file and click Upload - MUST be under 2MB and clear image that dates can be read
  9. Click Save
  10. Scroll to bottom of page & click Update

Q.  How is it determined which team a travel player will be placed on?
Travel teams are created each season and there are several factors taken into consideration when a player registers for travel soccer:
1 - Player Skill Assessment.  Each HYS player will be evaluated at the age based assessment/tryout and game assessments.
2 - Player Grade in School.  HYS is a community based program, we do consider players grade in school as we are building teams.
3 - 
Player Year of Birth.  US Club Soccer mandates teams must be bracketed based on Year of Birth  of the oldest player on the team. 
4 - Number of Players.  If we not have enough players for a team in an age bracket or skill level we may move players to create teams.
        5 - Coach Feedback.  For players/teams who have played the previous season coaches may be contacted for feedback.

Q.  Can I request a refund after my registration has been processed?
A.  Refunds after registration closes are only accepted in the event the player is injured prior to the first game (doctors verification required).  
Note: A $25 processing fee will be deducted from the refund amount.
Note: any requests for refunds due to special circumstances may be submitted to the HYS board for approval.

Q.  What is the late fee to register after registration has closed?
A.  $25

Q.  How is playing time determined for travel players?
A.  7v7 coaches are instructed to provide equal playing time for players who play on 7v7 fields.
A.  9v9 & 11v11 coaches will base playing time on training and game performance.

Q.  Are winter indoor leagues part the HYS annual registration?
A.  No, indoor leagues are up to each coach/parent to invite players and register a team at any indoor facility they would like to play. 

Q.  Are tournaments part the HYS annual registration?
A.  No, tournaments are outside of HYS program.  

Q.  Does HYS fund any tournament fees?
A.  Occasionally HYS has donated funds to be used for tournament registration fees for a team.  In this situation the coach is required to invite all players playing on the team for the season the HYS donation is offered.

Q.  Does HYS have a day when new players can try travel soccer?
A.  Yes, HYS has a "Bring a Friend to Soccer" day for both the boys and girls travel programs.  This date is typically in the spring season.

Youth Development League

Q.  What is the weekly schedule for U4-U8?     
A.   For U4-U8: Saturday mornings will be a weekly training run by soccer professional trainers who also train our travel players. This session will be followed by the weekly games. Games are on Saturday mornings at Granger fields. A volunteer coach led practice on a weekday is optional and will be determined by the volunteer coach.


Q.  How old does my child have to be to play in the youth development soccer league?
A.  A child must be 3 years old by Dec 31 of the year prior to soccer year in which they wants to participate.  The soccer year includes two seasons, fall and spring.  For example, if your child is 3 by Dec. 31, 2018, they would be eligible to play in our U4 (born in 2015) age group during the 2019 spring season.

Q.  What are the age brackets for HYS youth development league?
A.  The youngest age group is for U4 players.  The oldest age group is for U9/U10 players. To see what age group your child would be in, please click Year of Birth.

Q. What does the "U" mean?
The "U" in U4 stands for under.  So a player that is 3 years old on December 31 is considered "under" 4 years old.  The player is a U4 for the entire soccer year, including fall and spring even though the player will turn four years sometime during the season.
All age groups are based on year of birth.  Please see our age chart to find where your child's age bracket.

Q.  When do the seasons start? 
 The Fall session typically has registration in July with a start date in mid to late August. The Spring registration is typically in February with a mid April start date. 

Q.  What equipment does my player need?
1. Cleats/shoes - soccer style cleats are recommended by HYS as all games are on grass and we play in a variety of weather conditions. Turf shoes may be appropriate typically when the fields are dry.      
2. Shin guards - These are required to be worn by all players during any and all soccer activities with HYS. They are designed to protect your players. Any style is fine as long as the guards are worn under socks to prevent them from falling off.
3. Soccer ball - U4/5 and U6 players should use a size 3 ball. U7 through U12 should have a size 4 ball.
4. Jerseys - All HYS youth development players purchase a jersey set- 1 green and 1 black. The players
should bring both jerseys to each game.    
5. Water bottle - always have enough water for your player at the practices and the games.

Q.  How long is the season and are there make-up games?
A.  The youth development season is for 8 games.   If we have any rain-outs, we will try to make the games up by either extending the season a week or adding a weeknight game.   The Fall session challenge is extending into November when it is getting very cold.  The Spring challenge is wrapping up before everyone leaves for after school vacations.   It is our ultimate goal to have all teams play their 8 games.

Q: I have boy-girl twins.  May they play on the same team?
A: Yes, girls may play on boys teams, but boys may not play on a girls team.  

Q.  Where do I go for Saturday game rainout status?
A.  Go to our website, and click on Fields tab at top of website to see if fields are open or closed.

Q.  Can I request a coach or players to be on the same team?
A.  You can make the request, however we make no guarantees.  

Q.  Where are the HYS fields?
A.  All soccer for the youth development divisions will be held at the Granger Fields located at 3717 Ridge Road, Medina, Ohio 44256 behind the Granger Firehouse and administration building.  Please click on the Fields tab for a map link.

Q.  I want to help HYS- what can I do?
A.  The best way to help us is by volunteering to coach your player’s team. You need no prior experience as a coach.  Coaches aid the Force trainers during their weekly academy style practice.  You can use what you learn assisting Force during your coach led practice time.  There will be a coaching clinic run by the Director of Coaching each season for coaches.   It is fun and rewarding for both you as a coach and the players.  We at HYS are always available to discuss coaching points or offer coaching resources.

Q.  How do I get more information?
A.  You can go to our website to get additional information. If you do not find what you need, the board members are listed with contact information. Please feel free to contact any of the members on the board with your questions.

Youth Development vs. Travel

Players typically begin their soccer career at the youth development or recreational level where they gather foundational skills and develop a love for the game. They can start as young as 3 years old and play through 9 years old. Travel level is the next progression of soccer where the technical development begins. Players typically begin travel at 8 years old although exceptions are occasionally made for younger players with advanced skills and high commitment levels. All players can try out for travel in the fall - there is no invitation.  Several differences between the two programs follows:

Q.  What is the difference in practice schedules?
Youth development players typically practice once during the week.  The main focus is on footskills and having fun.   Travel players practice twice during the week for the duration of the 10 week session, once with trainers and once with their volunteer coach.   The focus for travel is in developing the all around soccer player by introducing technical and tactical training.

Q.  What is the difference in teams played?
A.  Youth development players in the U4-U8 divisions typically play in an “in-house” league made up of only HYS teams.   All games are on Saturday mornings at the same time.  There may be one weeknight game. Youth Development players in the U9/U10 division play in a local Medina league made up of teams from a few surrounding communities.

Our HYS travel teams play in the OHTSL league. A season consists of eight games ideally split evenly between home and away games. Games are typically played on Sundays, but there may also be weekday games.

Q.  What is the cost difference?
The YD program currently costs $50 per session for our U4 to U6 ages and $85 per session for U7 and older. The travel program costs $175 per season 

If you have additional questions regarding the travel program, please contact:

Girls Travel - Matt Dziedzicki at [email protected] Boys Travel - Andy Pylypiak at [email protected]

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